The -M-PowerMen are a brotherhood of men bonding together as leaders into a new era of strength. -M-PowerMen calls all men together whether they be grandfathers, fathers, sons, brothers, friends or the lonely. Together we are forming a fraternity bound in courage, dedicated to investing maximal effort in seeking and achieving the ultimate. Therefore, in addition to “Engineering” strength of mind, body, and spirit as a foundational standard, the -M-PowerMen are innovating inspiration to usher in an age of unbreakable strength and integrity to -M-Power humanity.
Around the world the question echoes: “What is happening to our families… to our ‘Men?’ Are there any ‘real men’ even left?” in a time when most are pushed and pulled by fleeting whims of the moment, whether a feeling in the stomach, lust in the eye, desires of the flesh, or fatal fantasies, is there anyone left who is not a betrayer? The darkness that exists when so many allow their willpower to be hijacked can seem impenetrable. But darkness is only the absence of light, and there is light. there is a flame, and it only takes one to start a blazing fire. Real men, with wills of iron, whose passion is to do what is right, not feed their wants, those who bear a torch, annihilating the snares and deceits of the abyss, trailblazing the long abandoned and buried path of manhood. With our eyes fixed on the All-Powerful, we strive to help -M-Power others and ourselves, to be the ultimate versions of who we were created to be. Nothing less.
We are inviting all people to be a part of establishing the foundation of the -M-Powermen Movement by reserving a stay (or other rewards). Together we are funding more than just a ranch, we are striving to elevate the timeless tradition of hard work on the land, and bring back the long lost honor of manhood and revitalize integrity. Plan on meeting us at the -M-Powermen Ranch, the place chosen to be the home where we extend our hands to re-kindle the flame in others, beginning with you.
-M-Power Training utilizes X Systems Engineering to address the human as a complete system with a focus on integrity of mind, body, and spirit. As it is in systems engineering, -M-Power Training is all-encompassing. This means that anything that may be impacting a person is taken into consideration. There are innumerable factors that can affect the state of your mind, body, or spirit, and if one of those aspects is giving out or collapsing, it can impact you as a whole.
From sourcing (what you take into your system and where it comes from), to analysis (how you evaluate sources and make decisions), to application (what choices you follow through with in action or inaction), you are the sustaining systems engineer of your own system. XSE is the first SE method that strategizes advancement of the human by focusing on integrity and the interconnection of the body, mind, and spirit, while inherently enhancing intelligence, strength, and freedom.
It all starts in the mind. -M-Power training addresses the mind through intelligence and discernment. Trainees are taught to be constantly aware of their environment, the circumstance, their own lives and the lives of others. We train to augment intelligence beginning with critical and creative thinking, We seek truth, assess and analyze information, situations, possibilities, ramifications, risks, and consequences of actions.
-M-Power Training addresses the body through personal strength training to guide individuals through a journey of physical enhancement and advancement. We strive to master the skill of self-discipline as an art with a passion. We detach from old empty ways in order to be empowered to follow through with optimal decisions. if our actions ever fall out of line with what We know to be right and true, we get back up and persevere. Don’t try, Do it, If you don’t succeed, Do it again.
-M-Power Training addresses the human spirit through striving to live the ultimate best life that they were created to live, to give their all, and to seek the ultimate, the truth. -M-PowerMen are committed to giving maximum effort in life. We seek the greatest not for our own sake, but to lift others up. We train to be authentic, dependable, strong, and steadfast. we acknowledge Humility as the Supernatural Armor melded together of all virtue: the true armor of manhood. In the cyber age, the slightest crack in your armor can be lethal.
-M-Power Training uses Independent Integration systems engineering (XSE) which is systems engineering focused on the human to strengthen the body, mind, and spirit as a solid, integrated whole, -M-Powering and equipping individuals to then -M-power humanity. -M-Power training leverages systems engineering methods and strategies as a Playbook Driven by science-backed facts to achieve unbreakable strength, which can only be found through integrity of mind body and spirit, uniting with the one true power… the true desire at the core of every mans heart,
-M-PowerMen Training is available at no cost for any man who has the determination to succeed on his own in “engineering” his personal journey of advancement driven by science-backed facts. Most of the strategies and methods used by -M-PowerMen training can be understood by visiting and using XSE flight. For one-on-one customized training, strong support, and the added challenge of accountability, please see the -M- Power Training packages available here.
Copyright © MPowerMen, LLC | 2024 | All rights reserved.
All advice related to fitness, nutrition, or lifestyle changes is based on certifications such as the International Sports Sciences Association or other coaching or consultant certificates and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Clients should consult a licensed healthcare provider, dietitian, or other qualified professional before making significant changes to diet, exercise, or lifestyle routines.
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Statements related to health, diet, supplements, or similar topics have not been evaluated by the FDA or any health authority and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition. Users should consult a licensed healthcare professional before making health-related decisions. Opinions expressed on this site may not necessarily reflect those of MPowerMen.
For questions, corrections or more information about our affiliations or partnerships, contact us.
The MPowerMen Coach(es)/Trainer(s) is not a licensed medical, legal, or mental health professional, nor an athletic trainer, dietitian, or therapist, and does not provide professional advice in these areas. Clients are strongly encouraged to consult appropriate professionals for specific needs.
Participation in suggested activities, programs, or plans is voluntary and at the Client’s own risk. Clients are responsible for ensuring proper workout attire, functional and safe equipment, and notifying the Coach(es)/Trainer(s) of any discomfort during activities.
The Coach(es)/Trainer(s) is not liable for injuries, damages, or losses resulting from participation or reliance on recommendations. Clients assume all risks associated with the Services and agree to indemnify the Coach(es)/Trainer(s) against claims, actions, or demands arising from Services.