-M-PowerMen Aviation Ranch is the flagship crowdfunding project of TF Empires crowdfunding through their Untreadable platform.
Centering around bison, aerobatics, and the outdoors, MPowerMen Aviation Ranch aims to offer a truly authentic Western experience from hiking, hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, and starry nights, to sizzling bison steaks and aviation experiences.
MPowerMen Aviation & Bison Ranch is leading the way to inspire younger generations to give life their all and aim for the skies!
NOTE: As the -M-PowerMen Aviation & Bison Ranch project is in pre-launch, many details are still to be determined, INCLUDING where the ranch will be located within Montana, the number of bison, airplane types and models, vacation rental architecture and design, etc.
Thank you for your support!
The Bison branch of the project aims to acquire enough backing to sustain at least a 30 head bison herd and acquire at least 300 acres in Montana.
The aviation branch of the project aims to acquire the backing needed to purchase a plane (and flight training) for the ranch as well as an airplane hangar and a grass landing strip.
We are offering vacation stays at the ranch as rewards as well. Depending on funding levels, we aim to build 5 star vacation rentals on the ranch as well as offer “Campaign Camping” in medieval style campaign tents,
TF Empires is a reward based crowdfunding platform where founders can create projects and where backers can support founder’s projects. Backers pledge funding to the founders, and when a project has achieved enough pledges to launch the backers cards are charged. Founders reward backers via “Benefit Packages”.
Untreadable is a platform of TF Empires that uses the TF Empires’ reward based crowdfunding platform to fund and launch larger projects. Untreadable projects enable founders to spread rewards over a period of 4 years, with a one year wait time after launch before the reward period begins. This enables large projects to get off the ground before the reward period begins. Untreadable projects often require substantial amounts of funding to launch, thus the 4 year period over which founders can deliver rewards to backers.
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